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Je suis un humaniste qui a toujours eu comme objectif l'atteinte de la condition d’honnête homme au sens du XIXe siècle et qui a embrassé l'état de spécialiste du savoir dans ce but de non spécialisation. Je continue à faire marcher mes "petites cellules grises" en m'intéressant à tout et à tous .

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lundi 6 avril 2009

Sites That Will Matter in 2009

Les lecteurs de PC World .CA choisissent les sites qui compterons en 2009. Êtes-vous d'accord?
Conparez vos choix avec ceux de cet article

"Most readers liked our '10 Sites That Will Matter in 2009' but they also had quite a few suggestions of their own for sites that will be big this year. We take a look at them, and give you our impressions.

Whenever we publish a story saying that a group of products, services or sites are All That TM, we get a wave of inevitable (and instructive) responses from readers doubting our sanity and/or nominating alternatives that should have been on our list.

Our recent feature called '10 Sites That Will Matter in 2009' was no different. Many PC World readers actually lauded our picks for 2009's big sites, but they still submitted many other suggestions for sites that should have made the list.

I decided to go check out these sites that our readers say are All ThatTM. And some of them, I found, were pretty darn good.


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