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Je suis un humaniste qui a toujours eu comme objectif l'atteinte de la condition d’honnête homme au sens du XIXe siècle et qui a embrassé l'état de spécialiste du savoir dans ce but de non spécialisation. Je continue à faire marcher mes "petites cellules grises" en m'intéressant à tout et à tous .

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lundi 2 juin 2008

22 Tips to Do Everything Faster

22 smarter, more efficient ways to make short work of common tech tasks--from reinstalling Windows to crushing spyware to setting up a Web site.

How to do things fasterTime isn't money; it's much more precious than that. Whether you're doing something creative like making a podcast or building a blog, or slogging through chores such as backing up data, removing viruses, or calibrating your high-def TV screen, you want to get things done and move on to the fun.

I have a ton of time-saving tips, including tricks to help you clear space on your hard drive, e-mail massive files, make money from your Web site, and even calculate the mileage on your jogging route.

The quickest way to tackle many tasks is to use applications that probably already exist on your PC. However, for occasions when Windows' built-in tools aren't enough, I've listed some great, free programs that are just a download away.

But enough of this dilly-dallying, already. Let's get on with the tips!

In This Article
Next page: Move media, backup data, reinstall Windows, and open folders

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